Tuesday, November 26, 2019


CIVIL RIGHTS IN THE AGE OF TERRORISM essays The era of modern terrorism began in 1968 with the hijacking of an airliner flying from Rome to Tel Aviv (Dershowitz). The distinguishing between earlier criminal aviation hijackings and the pattern of terrorist hijackings is that prior to 1968, the motive was either to divert the ransom it for money. Modern terrorists learned very quickly that their reached more easily through terrorism than through peaceful negotiation if abiding community at large is unprepared to respond decisively. Terrorism particularly successful when elements of the government are sympathetic to objectives, since it can provides a perfect excuse to make concessions that The psychology of terrorism is simple enough, it is the same behind old-fashioned kidnapping: the idea is if you want to coerce someone effectively, just threaten to do something that he fears worse than the your demands. Terrorism is much easier to employ successfully in societies that incorporate a concern with civil rights, and comparatively more societies that are not particularly preoccupied with civil rights issues. instances where terrorism is employed purely for vengeance, the goal of universally the same: to bring greater attention to one's cause than non-violent political discourse. Anecdotal evidence from the former Soviet suggests that the most effective way to eliminate terrorism is to adopt responses and to extract information through any means deemed necessary. is that more ruthless societies are better protected against terrorism than where human rights are widely respected and protected. In Why Terrorism Works, Alan Dershowitz provides a convincing into the effectiveness of terrorism once it is allowed to achieve any graphing the long history of Palestinian terrorism against Israel and the world for the purpose of calling attention to their political aims. He instance of terrorism by the PLO...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Gigantopithecus - Facts and Figures

Gigantopithecus - Facts and Figures Name: Gigantopithecus (Greek for giant ape); prounced jie-GAN-toe-pith-ECK-us Habitat: Woodlands of Asia Historical Epoch: Miocene-Pleistocene (six million to 200,000 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to nine feet tall and 1,000 pounds Diet: Probably omnivorous Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; large, flat molars; four-footed posture About Gigantopithecus The literal 1,000-pound gorilla sitting in the corner of a natural history museum, the appropriately named Gigantopithecus was the largest ape that ever lived, not quite King Kong-sized but, at up to half a ton or so, much bigger than your average lowland gorilla. Or, at least, thats the way this prehistoric primate has been reconstructed; frustratingly, practically everything we know about Gigantopithecus is based on its scattered, fossilized teeth and jaws, which first came to the worlds attention when they were sold in Chinese apothecary shops in the first half of the 20th century. Paleontologists arent even sure how this colossus moved; the consensus is that it must have been a ponderous knuckle-walker, like modern gorillas, but a minority opinion holds that Gigantopithecus may have been capable of walking on its two hind feet. Another mysterious thing about Gigantopithecus is when, exactly, it lived. Most experts date this ape from Miocene to mid-Pleistocene eastern and southeastern Asia, about six million to one million years B.C., and it may have survived in small populations until as late as 200,000 or 300,000 years ago. Predictably, a small community of cryptozoologists insists that Gigantopithecus never went extinct, and persists in the present day, high up in the Himalayan Mountains, as the mythical Yeti, better known in the west as the Abominable Snowman! (Rest assured that no reputable scientists subscribe to this theory, which is supported by absolutely no compelling material or eyewitness evidence.) As fearsome as it must have looked, Gigantopithecus seems to have been mostly herbivorouswe can infer from its teeth and jaws that this primate subsisted on fruits, nuts, shoots and, just possibly, the occasional small, quivering mammal or lizard. (The presence of an unusual number of cavities in Gigantopithecus teeth also points to a possible diet of bamboo, much like that of a modern Panda Bear.) Given its size when fully grown, an adult Gigantopithecus would not have been an active target of predation, though the same cant be said for sick, juvenile or aged individuals, which figured on the lunch menu of various tigers, crocodiles and hyenas. Gigantopithecus comprises three separate species. The first and largest, G. blacki, lived in southeastern Asia starting in the middle Pleistocene epoch and shared its territory, toward the end of its existence, with various populations of Homo erectus, the immediate precursor of Homo sapiens. The second, G. bilaspurensis, dates to six million years ago, during the Miocene epoch, about the same early time frame as the oddly named G. giganteus, which was only about half the size of its G. blacki cousin.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Function of filter circuit Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Function of filter circuit - Coursework Example It is less in voltage than the series circuit because its output voltage is the same as the input voltage. This circuit therefore, does not operate as a filter to the input signal except when supplied by the current source.The ideal op-amp amplifies all signals from Direct Current to the greatest Alternating Current frequenciesOpen-Loop Gain is infinite in ideal Op-amp amplifier. In real Op-Amp, the open loop gain is finite, ranging between 20000 and 200000.Ideal op-amp generates zero noise voltage from the internal parts.Real op-amp has several sources of noise, including semiconductor noise and resistive noise.Ideal op-amp operates as a perfect source of internal voltage without any internal resistance. Real op-amps have output-impedance ranging between 100 - 20â„ ¦.This diagram represents the relationship between the capacitor and a resistor in the circuit, if they are arranged in series. The circuit assists in measuring the voltage across the capacitor, using Kirchhoff's law o f the current. In this, the current that charges the capacitor has to be equal to the current passing through the resistor.A filter circuit server the purpose of producing restrictions on the bandwidth of frequencies for an alternating input signal and generate output with a narrower frequency- bandwidth. It also eliminates the alternating current ripple remaining in the output of the rectification of a diode-based alternating current circuit, leading to higher quality signal.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Data Mining In Tracking Customer Behavior Patterns Essay

Data Mining In Tracking Customer Behavior Patterns - Essay Example The computing power is increasing at the rate specified by Moore's law, doubling every eighteen months. The technology upgrade to parallel processing has vastly contributed to more powerful machines. There have been a number of statistical applications and algorithms that were waiting for larger computing power to arrive. Data mining makes use of these algorithms to enable data mining possibilities. In addition to these, data is being collected on a very large scale at all levels. More the data better the data mining exercise has been the watchword of most of the work that is carried out. All these combine to make data mining. Using this data and applying appropriate models, the results of the data mining is obtained. This would enable businesses to identify buying behavior patterns from customers; identify customer demographic characteristics and predict customer response to emails. Most of the cases, both commercial and scientific establishments report a condition where there is a large quantity of data which is collected and stored. But there is hardly any information for the people to make use of. In its basics, the data mining efforts start with employing appropriate data models that would help in understanding the system and its behavior (Hand D J, 2001). This would further help in augmenting the nature of work executed and the future of the object becomes more predictable. This is possible to do only if the object is understood well and the modeling is realized to the closest possible accuracy. A number of modeling tools help in data mining. Typically, Decision Trees, Rule Induction, Regression Models and Neural networks. All these contribute to extracting needed data from the databases using data mining tools. These are not simple straight forward SQL statements. Qualitative analysis is possible with the predicate data that would use this to identify and get an objective visualization of the object being modeled. Whereas in quantitative analysis, the data is used for automatic processing based on specific input data or time. Based on the model the information and data available in the system are extracted to meet the requirements. In the case of the banks, this would help them in identifying and detecting patterns of fraudulent credit card usage. The banks might like to identify loyal customers and those who might change their loyalty even with a minor issue. It also helps in identifying credit card spending by customer groups and finding any specific correlation between different financial indicators.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Terms Ap Us History Essay Example for Free

Terms Ap Us History Essay Sea Dogs-roving English ships that plundered Spanish treasure ships (1560s) St. Augustine–fort Spain created in Florida 1565 to protect the route of its treasure fleet against English ships, French settlers, hostile Indians (1st permanent Euro. settlement in US) Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries-new policy Spanish leaders introduced after military setbacks to pacify Indians by Christianizing missionaries not conquistadores (1573) Ecomenderos-privelaged spanish landowners in NM, who were allowed by the Franciscans to utilize the goods and forced labor of Indians and their land Popà ©-an Indian shaman, who killed and drove away Spaniards (destroying Spanish churches etc) with his followers in 1680 Samuel de Champlain-founder of the fur-trading post Quebec (1608), first permanent French colony). Colony did badly until 1662 when it was turned to royal colony Robert de La Salle-fur trader who in 1681 traveled down the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico to found Louisiana (and ultimately New Orleans). Traveled so far from Great Lakes/New France region to get rive by taking advantage of of remote Indians who did not know value of their furs Henry Hudson-An English mariner sent by Dutch merchants in 1609 to find a navigable route to East Indies/riches. Explored rivers of the NE (esp. Hudson River) and found plentiful furs Fort Orange-Dutch merchants founded this fur-trading post (now Albany) in 1614 after following H. Hudsons exploration to trade for furs with the Iroquois West India Company-chartered by Dutch government in 1621 and set up New Netherland colony and New Amsterdam (Manhattan) as capital, brining in farmers/artisans to make sustainable. Later acted independently, ignoring New Netherland to profit in other colonies Governor Peter Stuyvesant-governor of New Amsterdam who ruled in authoritarian way by alienating colonys diverse residents and ignoring representation demands. Anglo-Dutch War-series of wars fought between the Dutch and the English in the 1600s and 1700s over control of the seas and trade routes. Early wars confirmed the Dutch Republics position as the leading maritime country and its domination of world trade until the early 1700s. Virginia Company-London company of investors granted all land by King James I of England from NC to NY (1606). Directors named land Virginia and in 1607 group of male traders (no farming experience) settled area of Jamestown with intention of obtaining gold (there was no gold). More than half of first settlers died from voyage, disease, famine. Later encouraged migration by granting free settlers land. Powhatan-chief of local tribes who treated the English traders as potential (trade) allies, and essentially saved them from total famine when he gave them corn (in exchange got metal tools/guns). Saved life of Captain John Smith from his brother Opechancanough. John Rolfe-an English colonist that married Powhatans daughter Pocahontas under his arrangement (diplomatic effort by Powhatan). Rolfe imported tobacco seed from West Indies, producing a profitable and in-demand crop in Europe––spurred migration of thousands of English settlers establishing plantations, and consequently invading Indian land. House of Burgesses-system of representative government in VA issued as a charter from the Virginia Company (1619). Could make laws and levy taxes, but governor/company council in England could veto its acts. Opechancanough-Powhatans brother and successor who attacked the early English invaders (captured Capt. John Smith). Stayed distant from English and refused all treaties while Powhatan chief. Became chief 1621, wanted to wipe out all of Englishmen (land-hungry and conversion minded). Started Indian War of 1622 when killed 1/3 of white English in surprise attack, who then brutally punished Indians and declared perpetual war that lasted 10 years. Privy Council-a committee of political advisers to King James I, who made it a requirement that all legislation passed by the new VA governor and his advisory council of the House of Burgesses (formed in 1624 when King James I revoked VA Companys charter and made VA a royal colony b/c of Indian uprising) had to be ratified by them. Toleration Act of 1649-Lord Baltimore persuaded the assembly (of MD) to pass this act––which protected his fellow Catholics (who had become a minority to the surging Protestants in Marlyand) and granted all Christians the right to follow their beliefs and hold church services. Maryland was no a colony of Christian religious freedom. Freeholds-Small family-farmed (tobacco) plantations that were the main source of tobacco in the Chesapeake region in the early part of the tobacco boom (1620s). Indentured Servant-poor whites in England who were impoverished and abused in Englands city poorhouses who there were displaced to the cities after the go vernment enclosed their lands in the countryside. They wanted to settle in the colonies to obtain land and economic opportunity (social mobility), so to pay for their passage over they signed indentures from merchants (who would sell them to planters) that said they would work as a servant on a plantation for 4-5 years and then were free. Many died en route or were abused to death on plantations, and only 25% actually acquired land and success afterwards. Black Codes-laws enforced by Chesapeake planters to limit the freedom and severely restrict rights of African workers in the colonies (like owning guns, traveling). These codes made slavery legal, and encouraged racist ideas to differentiate poor whites from blacks, elevating them and make slaves inferior beings (all because slave importation skyrocketed when tobacco boom crashed). Navigation Acts-passed by English Parliament in early 1660s as the main device of mercantilist policy in England (wanted to exclusively capitalize on their American colonies raw materials and market for manufactured goods), they prevented colonists from selling tobacco to all countries besides the English (lost money from Dutch), and all tobacco went to England where there were higher import duties. Consequently tobacco prices fell and planters were forced to use the cheaper labor of black slaves, and political problems resulted in the Chesapeake colonies. Governor William Berkeley-royal Governor of Virginia (Jamestown) who was instructed to run the colony only for the benefit of England (1642-1652). He was part of, and favored the planter-merchant elite. Corrupt: to win support in House of Burgesses bribed officials with land grants and took vote away from landless freemen (50% of white pop.). Increased the already growing disparities in wealth and status among VA population. Nathaniel Bacon-a wealthy farmer (was on governors council), he was a leader of colonial frontiersmen in western deep Virginia (west). Like other poorer farming frontiersmen, was angered over Gov. Berkeleys inability to protect western VA frontier land (like his own) from Indian attacks; also angry at the rights and corruption of VAs wealthy inner circle. Bacon’s Rebellion-1676, Nathaniel Bacon led other fellow poor frontiersmen on Indian raids because they were being attacked by Indians. The poor frontiersmen were all angry at the tobacco monopoly that the elite eastern planters had, that they lost their voting rights, and that they were overtaxed. Gained popularity with his Indian raids. Seen as a Martyr when he was arrested by Berkeley and was freed by yeomen. He and forces burned Jamestown, but when he died Berkeley violently crushed rebellion with British military aid. Made colonies turn away from indentured servant labor and toward slave labor. Manifesto and Declaration of the People William Bradford-Puritan who led Puritans and migrants from England (102) to America in 1620 aboard the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth, in SE MA. While en route, he said they lacked a royal charter from England, and issued the Mayflower Compact. Mayflower Compact-issued by William Bradford aboard Mayflower to migrants/Puritans which coalesced the migrants (just wanting to go to VA for economic opportunity) with the Puritans (wanting to be independent and free of Protestant VA) by declaring they would live in a civil body politick using the Puritans self-governing congregation to shape their political structure. John Winthrop-Well-educated Puritan country squire who led the exodus of Puritans from England in 1630 (they were being persecuted against by Catholic King Charles I), to set up govern the Massachusetts Bay Colony (Boston). He declared to his people we shall be as a City upon a Hill. He meant that God had chosen them to be a shining example and hope for all (Christian) religions, like those in what he considered to be a morally corrupt England, wanted to inspire religious reform throughout the Christian world. Massachusetts Bay-Colony established and governed by John Winthrop 1630, who led exodus of Puritans from a morally corrupt England where his people were being persecuted, sought to create a New England that was a reformed Christian society. Colony was a representative political body with an assembly, and made Puritanism the sole state religion (no other religions allowed), only church members could vote/hold office. Used Bible as legal guide, and embraced simple Christian principles––churches were controlled by the people (congregationalist) with no hierarchy and were meetinghouses. These Puritans believed in predestination (John Calvin), a doctrine that God chose only a select few individuals for salvation before they were born. Many sought a born again experience. Because they thought they were chosen as a city upon a hill, they felt the right to seize Indian lands. Roger Williams-Roger Williams was a Puritan minister who opposed congregationalism, praised the separation of church and state, advocated religious tolerance (the government didnt have authority over spiritual lives), and didnt believe in Puritans seizure of Indian land. These were all opposite views than the status quo of Mass. Bay. In 1636, he was banished so he led his followers to settle the town of Providence (Rhode Island) the land he bought from Indians. Got a charter from Parliament in 1644 to establish the colony of Rhode Island (complete religious freedom). Anne Hutchinson-A Mass. Bay wife who held weekly prayer meetings for women, she preached controversial and differing views: she believed salvation could not be achieved through good deeds, people only bestowed by God through the covenant of grace. She said that God spoke his divine truth directly to individuals, not through the church. As a woman with considerable influence, she was banished in 1637, for her heretical views and as a threat to the superiority of men in the Puritan church. Joined Roger Williams in RI. Thomas Hooker-Puritan pastor who brought some Puritans to the Connecticut River Valley in 1636 and established the town of Hartford (left NE because of differing views and search for better farmland). Connecticut became royal colony in 1660 with charter from King Charles II. Had a legally established church but granted voting rights to all land-owning men. Cotton Mather-A popular Puritan theologian who believed in supernatural forces, that unusual events were the power displayed by God or Satan. Lead to the Salem Witch Trials. Spectral Evidence-The evidence allowed by judges at the accused witches trials (in the Salem Witch Trials), which was visions of evil beings and marks seen only by the girls (who suffered supernatural seizures). Praying Towns-Indian villages that Puritan ministers like John Eliot turned into intensely Christian communities by 1670 in efforts to convert Indians. The 1000 Indian residents lost their independence and culture, and new native form of Christianity were made by traditional spiritual beliefs incorporated into churches. Metacom-Chief of the Wampanoags who with two other tribes staged a rebellion in 1675-1676, attacking white settlements all over New England in hopes to finally expel the Europeans. He knew coexistence was unlikely and was angry that NE colonists restricted their trade and accused them of many violations. Had they not run out of gunpowder, the rebellion might have been a success. The NE colonies losses were significant, as some places lost 5% of their population; but Indians lost 25% of their population and the three tribes (Wampanoags, Narragansetts, and Nipmucks) displaced/retreated west to the backcountry.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and Carl Jungs Principle of Opposite

Carl Jung was a pioneer of psychoanalytic theory along with his former partner and mentor, Sigmund Freud. Though Jung split from Freud and diverged onto his own unbeaten trail of psychoanalysis two years before his decease, they are both highly revered for the myriad of ways in which they developed the understanding of the mind. Parallel to this period, Joseph Conrad penned and published the novella Heart of Darkness, which tackled much of what Jung had found about the psyche and its inner workings. In Heart of Darkness, both Marlow and Kurtz are representations of strong reoccurring archetypes within human myth, religion, and folklore. They work together to epitomize one of Jung’s Cores of Personality: the Principle of Opposites. The Principle of Opposites states that both sides of opposite pairs—good and bad, light and dark, joy and despair, et cetera—are present to complete the other. In this way, Marlow and Kurtz are opposite replications of each other in Co nrad’s Heart of Darkness; they are doppelgà ¤ngers that complete each other, as in Jungian theory. Marlow is the raconteur of Heart of Darkness, and therefore is one of the more crucial characters within the plot. He embodies the willingness to be valiant, resilient, and gallant, while similarly seeming to be cautiously revolutionary. He is, seemingly the epitome of bravery, going into the jungle. Marlow’s voyage is, in essence, a â€Å"night journey into the unconscious, the confrontation with an entity within the self† (Guerard 38). The ominous coast is an allegory for the idea of the unconscious mind. â€Å"Watching a coast as it slips by the ship [†¦] there it is before you—smiling, frowning, inviting, grand, mean, insipid, or savage, and always mute with an air of whispering† (1... ...Works Cited Burke, Colleen. "Colleen Burke - Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness - A Metaphor Of Jungian Psychology." 15 Nov. 2011. . Conrad, Joseph, and Paul B. Armstrong. Heart of Darkness: Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Contexts, Criticism. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2006. Guerard, Albert J. Conrad the Novelist. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard U. Press, 1958. Hughs, Richard E. The Lively Image: Four Myths in Literature. Cambridge, MA: Winthrop Publishers, 1975. Jung, C. G. Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 9, Part 1., 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1968. 451 p. (p. 54-72). Lord, George de Forest. Trials of the Self: Heroic Ordeals in the Epic Tradition Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1983. Spivack, Charlotte. "The Journey to Hell: Satan, The Shadow, and the Self." Centennial Review 9:4 (1965): 420 - 437.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Peel’s Policies Toward Irealnd Essay

Peel’s policies towards Ireland seem to swing backwards and forwards over the period 1829-46; he supported Catholic emancipation in 1829, yet his policy of coercion seems distinctly repressive, and this was then followed by conciliation, which could be considered reforming. Peel had to tread a thin line between firmness and assertion of authority without alienating any potential Catholic support. However, on balance we can consider that his policies were more reforming than repressive. Peel’s support of Catholic emancipation in 1829 shows the reforming side of his policy. He supported it against a huge amount of scepticism from his own party and did it in the belief that it was for the good of the union – he thought it was a greater risk to refuse to satisfy their demands than to grant them. However, the restriction that Catholic emancipation placed on the franchise meant that it carried with reform an element of repression. Peel’s Tamworth Manifesto of 1834 showed moderate support for reform, but did not commit the Tory party to anything and certainly didn’t advocate anything on the scale of Catholic emancipation. Peel’s early reformist attitude had all but disappeared by the 1841 election, where his party emphasised their traditional position as the defenders of the established Church. During his second ministry, Peel’s policy of Coercion was clearly quite repressive. Faced with a problem in Ireland that he considered a greater threat to British Authority than Chartism had ever posed, he made an announcement in parliament that he would ‘crush any attempt to break the union with armed force.’ This aggressive statement was the start of Peel’s more repressive policy in Ireland. The Irish Arms act of 1843, which gave the Authorities in Ireland greater powers and banned Catholics from owning guns, was very stringent and can therefore be considered repressive, but it can be seen that it was a necessary move in order to prevent more violence in Ireland. Peel’s decision t ban the meeting at Clontarf can also be seen as repressive. O’Connell had organised many large scale demonstrations before which had not been seen to pose a significant threat, but the British government interpreted it as an incitement to illegality. Over half a million people were expected to turn up and the government knew about it well in advance; however by banning it just the day before it was due to take place, Peel dealt a heavy blow to O’Connell. Thousands of Irish people were already on their way to the demonstration and O’Connell had to tell them all to turn back. On top of this, despite not having done anything illegal, O’Connell was then arrested for sedition, tried and found guilty by an all protestant jury. This is perhaps the most openly repressive thing that Peel did in the period. This incident proved to be the turning point in O’Connell’ political career; despite later being released from prison he never regained his full authority and subsequently his repeal movement began to fall apart. This was a clear victory for Peel’s defence of the union, and gave him great support within the Conservative Party. However, Peel was convinced that a population that was more than 80% Catholic could not be coerced indefinitely and in early 1844 asserted that whilst the union itself was still the overriding objective, ‘Equality of treatment for Protestant and Catholic Citizens was necessary’ so that the Irish middle classes could be persuaded of the benefits of it. Peel’s plan of conciliation sought to improve relations and win this crucial support within Ireland. The first step that showed Peel taking a more reforming line was to remove the staunch protestant defender de Gray as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. He was replaced by Lord Heytesbury, who was happy to follow Peel’s policy of giving Catholics equal opportunities in government. This showed not just willingness for change, but also would eventually lead to more Catholics in the civil service and magistracy; thereby lessening the chance that disaffected Irishmen would turn to the Nationalist cause instead. This willingness for change was shown again in the setting up of the Devon Commission. Setting it up in the first place was an act of great courage – the opinion of the time was that it was a landlord’s right to do as he wished without interference – and therefore shows a real attempt at reform by Peel, although it never came to fruition. Peel further tried to win over the Irish Catholics with the charitable bequests bill of 1844. It plainly displayed the goodwill of Peel’s administration to the Catholic Church. Peel saw the support of the Irish Catholic Church as something incredibly important; it had an essentially conservative nature and there was no ideological reason why its support should be blocked, as it wasn’t linked to the nationalists or revolutionaries, and therefore Peel thought it important for them to be ‘on-side’. This religious aspect was further tackled in the Maynooth Bill. He was convinced that in its current state, Maynooth was attracting the wrong sort, and by giving money for its improvement and increasing its annual grants, he was not only showing a positive attitude to the Catholic Church, but also ensuring that the new priests were not likely to support the revolutionaries or nationalists. Peel’s Irish Colleges Bill continued this programme of reform by setting up un-sectarian colleges, with the aim of ensuring that there would be more educated Catholics who would be eligible for the newly available jobs in the Civil service. However, this was in the face of requests for Catholic colleges from the priests, something that Peel flatly refused to consider. With the coming of the potato famine in 1845, Peel found even greater problems in Ireland, which lead to further reform. Peel’s worry about the dependency on the potato was justified, and many people in Ireland were starving. Peel made the decision to try and repeal the Corn Laws. He faced huge opposition from his own party at the suggestion, yet the Bill was passed with Whig support. This is the most reforming one of Peel’s policies towards Ireland; however, there is the suggestion that his hand was forced politically. Overall, the evidence suggests that although there were some repressive elements to Peel’s Irish policy, namely the period of Coercion, the majority of his policy can be considered as more reforming, as he acted to try and change and improve the conditions in Ireland and the relationships between Britain and Ireland. This is shown by Peel’s reasoning that in order to preserve the Union (which was to him the most important matter), the Irish would have to be treated fairly and be shown the benefits of it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Auditing Introduction Letter

Dear Mr. Lancaster, I understand that Apollo Shoes, Incorporated is concerned about acquiring certain auditing and assurance services. In today’s business world a company needs to stay ahead by operating more successfully and proficiently than its competition. Stromsodt can help Apollo Shoes to gain this advantage by offering auditing and assurance services designed for the company needs. Stromsodt is a company with certification in Service Auditor Assessments as well as provides specialization of auditing in areas of superior athletic podiatric products. Stromsodt has been providing auditing and assurance services to businesses just like yours for more than 30 years. With more than three decades of experience, Stromsodt has helped over hundreds of companies to achieve their company objectives and run more proficiently. Stromsodt is a company that is more productive and cost-effective than any other auditing and assurance service company. The company provides timely, experienced services at reasonable fees. The Auditing and Assurance services Stromsodt offers are as follows 1. Statutory Audits 2. Internal Audits 3. Risk Management. Corporate Governance 5. Tax Audit 6. Management Audits 7. Review of Accounts 8. Special Audits 9. Due diligence 10. Restatement as according to International Accounting Standards (IAS)/ General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) These services will benefit Apollo Shoes by 1. Ascertain whether the presentation of accounts are fair and true 2. Timely detection of errors and fraud in the company 3. Timely identification of risks of material misstatements 4. Validation of accuracy, validity, and authenticity of account information 5. Improvement of profitability . Maximization of revenue recovery 7. Preparation of documents on a timely basis What other firms fail to deliver, Stromsodt delivers. Stromsodt brings value to a company by focusing on a company’s objectives. Part of Stromsodt’s core philosophy is to provide and perform services that add only value to a client to reach set objectives. The company abides by five essential principles when performing services for a client. These principles are integrity, objectivity, professional competence along with due care, confidentiality, and professional behavior. The roles I perform at Stromsodt vary depending upon the service. Some general tasks I perform include 1. Reviewing financial statements to determine conformity to GAAP 2. Attesting the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting 3. Reviewing previous financial report. Reviewing financial statements to determine conformity to GAAP helps a company by establishing to external users the assurance of a company’s financial statements. Attesting the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting helps to ensure no potential material misstatements or raudulent activities have occurred. This helps to lessen the likelihood of occurrence of these activities as well. Reviewing previous reports can provide assurance to a company in knowing that its previous reports are accurate. In providing these services I would make sure that Apollo Shoes has the necessary information to achieve the objectives of the company by abiding by the five principles set forth by Stromsodt. I will also adhere to the 10 general accepted accounting standards an accountant or CPA is required to adhere by. These standards are as follows 1. Display adequate training and proficiency. 2. Maintain independence from the audited company. 3. Display professionalism in performance and planning the report. 4. Adequately plan the fieldwork and supervise assistants. 5. Sufficiently understand the internal control of the company as well as determine the tests to test these controls. 6. Provide sufficient information to back up opinion formed on the financial statements. 7. State and report if the financial statements represented are in accordance with GAAP. 8. State and report circumst ances of company not consistently using principles 9. Recommend additional information for disclosures expected to be in financial statements. 10. Provide opinion on the financial statements. In conclusion, I look forward to talking further about Apollo Shoes auditing and assurance needs and about how much Stromsodt can provide Apollo Shoes with these services. Please feel free to contact me anytime regarding this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity to submit the proposal, and I, along with the entire staff at Stromsodt, are looking forward to working with Apollo Shoes in the near future.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Christians and the Spanish Inquisition essays

Christians and the Spanish Inquisition essays Ferdinand and Isabella used the Inquisition to eliminate opposition in Spain. Their thoughts were that by eliminating the Jews, Muslims, and New Christians in Spain they would gain unity, wealth, and power. They wanted to make a Christian and only a Christian Spain. Since Ferdinand and Isabella were married they strived to make Spain a whole. With Ferdinand ruling Aragon and Isabella ruling Castile they united Spain as one. Soon Ferdinand and Isabella had the regions of Granada and Portugal as part of Spain. But Ferdinand and Isabella wanted to increase their authority over their kingdom through religion as well. Ferdinand new that the church controlled large amounts of land and also served significant roles in the political system, he took these very important things into major consideration. Isabella on the other hand, "...had a genuine concern for religious reform and believed in their responsibility for the spiritual life of their subjects and people."(Ovid 3). Ferdinand and Is abella didn't think of using the Inquisition to purify Spain until a priest named Tomas de Torquemada brought it to their attention. Torquemada was Isabella's confessor or spiritual leader. Torquemada convinced Ferdinand and Isabella that once the Inquisition was in place they could eliminate all non-Catholic believers. He bribed them with the thought that they,"...could use it to solidify the supremacy of Catholicism in Spanish life...the inquisition would promise them consolidation on their political control over the country and would increase the wealth of the crown through confiscation."(The Inquisition 50-51) Ferdinand and Isabella were now convinced that by putting the Inquisition to action they could gain wealth, power, and full unity of Spain. The Inquisition was so closely associated with the government that it became a department of state. (The Inquisition 43) The Jewish population in Spain was a very large one that caused lots of envy. Jews h...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Facts and Opinions in Opinion Essay Samples

Facts and Opinions in Opinion Essay Samples Facts and Opinions in Opinion Essay Samples In an opinion essay, the focus of attention is your own point of view, as opposed to an argumentative essay, for example, where you basically defend another persons opinion. A good opinion essay should include your point of view, stated in the introductory paragraph, reasoning for your opinion, and, of course, a conclusion, where you sum up your argument. Remember to back up your reasoning with examples. Preferably, place each opinion in a separate paragraph. You can also add opposing or supporting opinions of experts or your peers, but you have to remember that any opinion should be clearly stated. The most important part of this essay is to effectively prove your point of view. For that, you have to build a solid argument. Normally we distinguish between two main types of argument, inductive and deductive. Which one to use in your essay largely depends on your thesis statement. In this post, we will learn about the two types of reasoning and if an inductive argument is suitable for an opinion essay. Types of Argument An inductive argument basically means that your thesis statement is a projection of a more general statement, and your reasoning will increase or decrease the probability of your conclusion being true. The later depends on how strong or weak your reasoning is. For example, if your evidence is reliable, you have more chances to prove your point. This type of argument is more suited for presenting an opposing point of view, because it will give you room to refute. In a deductive argument, the truth of the conclusion is logically derived from the reasoning: if, then For example, if it rains, then the road will certainly be wet; we cannot conclude that it rains because the road is wet, there can be other reasons for that. This is a good type of argument to defend your point of view. For you the conclusion is true, by default, and you only need to break it into elements that will prove your reasoning. How to Support Your Opinion with Facts To prove your point of view, you have to build a good argument that will explain how you have come to a certain conclusion. An essential part of this is to present your facts clearly and in an easy to understand manner, so that your audience is not left guessing. It is important to understand that facts are verified pieces of information, not based on opinions. The effectiveness of your argument depends on the way you present data: define the point and present only the most valuable information; raw data is for you to analyze, not the reader. find a way to break up the text: pictures, charts, diagrams, even statistics will let the readers mind rest, but dont overload your paper with graphics. if you have a boring topic, try to make it more fun with a writing style, or couple of fun facts. The key to making the audience believe in your point of view is believing in it yourself.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

What is democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

What is democracy - Essay Example A popular definition of democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people. Elections are held periodically (usually every 4 or 5 years) that determine ministers who would take part in state’s operations. Every adult (usually above 18 years) has the right to vote and decide on the ministers who would actively represent their country Even after election, there are checks and balances so that those who hold offices are kept on their toes. If people are not satisfied with the performance of a particular minister or party, they can show their dissent through petitions, marches, blogs, or other peaceful means. There are rooms for diverse opinions and multiple parties exist to represent different ideologies. Some countries under British model of democracy can have any number of parties, like in the parliamentary form of democracy. The number of parties is restricted to three or four in some democracies like US and UK because of administrative reasons, ensuring that democratic tenets are not compromised in the process. It is only natural that under democratic system, which promotes diverse views and opinions, there are multiple parties competing with each other. The head of state is either designated as ‘president’ or ‘prime minister.’ As democracy takes into account majority view while taking collective decisions, the basic concept right from formation of ruling council (parliament) to any minute issue regarding its operation remains the same. A country is divided into a number of regions or provinces. A candidate is selected as winner for a particular region if he or she has secured the maximum number of votes for that region. A candidate either represents a party or can stand independent. If a candidate stands independent, depending upon the constitution of that country, he or she may or may not be allowed to support a political party later on during the elected tenure. Parliament consists of group of ministers who have all won maximum number of votes from their respective regions. Ministers represent different parties, if not independent. The party that has sufficient amount of majority will be the ruling party from which key ministerial post of president or prime minister is determined. The ruling party’s members together determine who their president or prime minister would be. President or prime minister, as the case may be, allocates responsibilities to other ministers in the party, such as defense minister, finance minister, etc. This is the main concept behind any democratic form of government, which is tailored in context of a particular country. When democracy is in pure form, one can expect that there will be no distinction made on account of religion, caste, language, or culture. In democracy, there is a right for everyone to live with whatever small or big aspirations they have. Democracy gives an opportunity to all to progress, without making distinction on personal issues like sexual orientation, believe or disbelieve in reincarnation, etc. The terms democracy and civil society come side by side. While defining civil society, Jane Morse states that civil society comprises â€Å"individuals like you and me.† Interesting to note is the statement, ‘democracy depends on civil society’ by Morse. What Morse perhaps wants to highlight through this watchword is overwhelming importance of citizens. Democratic government is there to serve its citizens. Democratically elected government is not an end by itself, but means to an end of serving its citizens. According to America.gov, â€Å"Governments alone cannot build strong democracies, thriving economies, or stable societies; it is the people themselves — especially the civil society organizations — that bring people together.† While democratic government is given a mandate by citizens to run state in the best interest of citizens, civil society absorbs citizens in a m ore direct way. If there is threat on civil society, then it reflects that the problem is perhaps with the true implementation of